Stop by the Good Tern Co-op between 12-2:30pm on Friday, December 13th to sample some incredibly delicious, locally made, Tootie's Tempeh!
Tootie’s was founded in 2019 by engaged citizens and vegans Sarah Speare, an award-winning food entrepreneur, and Barbara Fiore, a joyful fermenter, gardener, long-time educator, and outdoor enthusiast. They created Tootie’s Tempeh to model how food production can support local and sustainable agriculture, foster a more democratic economy, and eliminate single-use plastics—all while satisfying discerning tastes and not harming our animal friends. Tootie's Tempeh is a worker-owned cooperative, and they've pioneered a plastic-free fermentation process for their products.
Tootie's Tempeh is not only delicious, it’s easy and versatile to cook with. They currently have two products: Traditional and Curry Seasoned. Both are fermented and made of organic soybeans (they source as many Maine-grown soybeans as possible). For the Curry Seasoned Tempeh, the spices are fermented directly into the beans overnight, so the flavor is rich and deep.