Tootie’s Tempeh Meatballs (Great Balls of Tempeh)
This recipe is from Tootie’s Tempeh, a worker-owned cooperative in Biddeford, ME. Find more recipes from Tootie’s Tempeh on their website.
Break up an 8 oz slab of Tootie’s Tempeh with your hands so it crumbles, then boil it in water with 2 Tbsp tamari for 10 min, drain well, let cool.
Then put tempeh in bowl and add 2 Tbsp ketchup, 1/2 Tbsp mustard, oregano, thyme, salt, pepper, 1/3 cup finely diced onion and 1 large clove garlic (can use powders too) and 1/2 cup bread crumbs. (Barbara likes to also add finely chopped walnuts). Mix it all together well, then form the meatballs - and don’t be shy about forming them by packing them hard in your hands - helps to keep them together.
Coat a pan in olive oil and place the balls in one at a time coating them in the oil, and saute till browned, rotating them so they cook evenly. Alternatively, you can bake them in the oven at 375°F for 20 minutes or so, turning at least once.
Serve however you like - on top of spaghetti or stand-alone. Yum!
Image from Tootie’s Tempeh -