Who We Are

Good Tern Natural Foods Co-op is a member-owned food and health store founded in 1980 to provide healthy food and wellness choices at reasonable prices for our local community. Member-owners have a voice in how the co-op is run by serving on the Board of Directors, participating in and voting on matters at the annual meeting, sharing feedback with staff, and joining a committee. We offer a diverse range of products with a focus on local, organic, and healthy foods. Everyone is welcome at the Good Tern – whether you are a member or not.

The purpose of the Good Tern Co-op is to provide a high-quality, fairly priced, cooperatively owned and democratically controlled source of food and health products; to educate and inform members and the community on whole food, health and nutrition, food sources, and food preparation; and to help further cooperative principles, democracy, and self-reliance.

Mission Statement

Self-help – we help people to help themselves
Self-responsibility – we take responsibility for and answer to our actions
Democracy – we give our members a say in the way we run our businesses
Equality – no matter how much money a member invests in their share account, they still have
one vote
Equity – we carry out our business in a way that is fair and unbiased
Solidarity – we share interests and common purposes with our members and other

Cooperative Values

Cooperative Principles

Voluntary and open membership – membership is open to everyone
Democratic member control – all members have an equal voice in making policies and electing representatives
Member economic participation – all profits are controlled democratically by members and for their benefit
Autonomy and independence – co-operatives are always independent, even when they enter into agreements with the Government and other organizations
Education, training and information – co-operatives educate and develop their members as well as their staff
Co-operation amongst co-operatives – co-operatives work together with other co‐operatives to strengthen the co-operative movement as a whole
Concern for community – co-operatives also work to improve and develop the community, both locally and internationally.